Pet Summer Safety: 10 Ways to Keep Your Furry Friends Healthy This Season

Pet Summer Safety: 10 Ways to Keep Your Furry Friends Healthy This Season

Transform your pet's summer into a season of safety and happiness with these 10 essential tips. From hydration to paw protection, give your furry friend the care and comfort they deserve. Discover the path to a healthier, happier pet and create unforgettable memories under the sun.

 Summer is the prime time for making lifelong memories with our loved ones, furry friends included! Here are some great pet summer safety tips to ensure everyone in the family stays happy, healthy, and safe this season. 

10 of the Best Pet Summer Safety Tips 

1. Keep Dehydration at Bay 

Dehydration is one of the most dangerous threats to your pet’s health, especially during the summertime. Their body can experience serious problems including loss of consciousness or kidney failure without the fluids it needs to operate. 

The best way to protect your furry friend from dehydration is to provide plenty of clean water at all times. Whether you’re outside enjoying the summer sunshine or curled up in the house, water should always be available to your pet. 

Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the signs of dehydration so you can remedy the problem before it becomes a major issue. Here are some symptoms to be wary of: 

  • Excessive panting 
  • Dry nose
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Lethargy
  • Dry and sticky gums
  • Loss of skin elasticity 
  • Loss of appetite 
  • Sunken eyes 

If you notice one or more of these dehydration signals, offer your pet fresh water immediately and move them to a cool spot to rest. 

2. Provide Plenty of Shade 

Whenever you’re out and about with your pet this summer, ensure a nice, shady spot will be available to them. Not only will this prevent them from overheating, but it will shield their skin from the harmful UV rays responsible for sunburn. 

If no place around you provides natural shade, bring an umbrella, tent, or shelter to create your own. 

3. Make Cool Treats for Your Pet 

Creating delicious frozen treats for your pet is a fun way to include them in your summer celebrations while keeping them cool. Don’t forget to add your favorite Fera Pet Organics supplements for a naturally healthy boost. 

4. Protect Those Paws 

The summer sun quickly bakes the surface of sidewalks, roads, and sand. If left unprotected, your pet’s paw pads become susceptible to painful burns and cracking while traversing these surfaces. 

You can protect your pet’s precious paws using a method called the pavement check. Before your companion walks on a surface that has been basking in the sun, place your bare hand or foot on the ground for approximately five seconds. If it becomes too hot to touch, then it’s too hot for your pet to walk on. In this case, stick to the grass or search for another route. 

Investing in pet booties or socks designed to protect your pet’s paws from the hot pavement is also a great idea. 

5. Keep Calm During Fireworks

Fireworks are a staple of the summer season, but they’re also a major cause of anxiety for many pets. 

If you plan to attend an event with fireworks, it’s best to leave your four-legged friends at home. In the event the sound of fireworks can’t be avoided from home, you can help your pets feel more relaxed with a calming supplement

Fera Pet Organics’ Calming Support utilizes natural ingredients like organic passion flower, valerian root, and ginger to bring your pets some peace of mind during even the most stressful situations. Just sprinkle the tasteless powder into your pet’s food to promote the zen. 

Our Calm Goat Milk Topper is another delicious way to boost your pet’s mood during summer gatherings and events that might be stressful to them. Plus, they’ll love the creamy goodness of the goat milk in their meals.

6. Watch Out For Fleas and Ticks 

Humans and their beloved pets aren’t the only ones who love the summertime. Pests like ticks and fleas thrive this time of year, increasing risks for the harmful diseases they carry. 

Make sure your pet is up-to-date on their flea and tick preventatives, especially if you plan to spend time enjoying the great outdoors with your fur babies. 

7. Never Leave Your Pets in the Car 

It’s never acceptable to leave your pet alone in the car, but the summer heat can make the situation even more life-threatening. If it’s 90 degrees outside, the temperature inside a parked car can reach 138 degrees. 

When you’re planning to travel with your pet, ensure there will be someone who can stay with your pet either in or out of the car. If at any point this will not be possible, it’s best to leave your furry friend at home for their own safety and well-being. 

8. Keep an Eye on Your Plate 

Cookouts and backyard BBQs are very popular in the summertime. If your four-legged friend will be in attendance, it’s a good idea to keep all that delicious summertime fare out of their reach. 

Hamburgers and hot dogs are tempting snacks for many pets, but the garnishes and seasonings commonly used for these foods are toxic to pets such as onions and garlic. 

You might want to bring a special treat or a busy toy just for them to keep them distracted from your food. 

9. Utilize Ice Packs or Cooling Pads

After a long day in the sun, your pet will love to unwind in a nice, cool spot (quite literally). 

Try laying their favorite blanket or a towel over an ice pack or a cooling mat. These will help them regulate their body temperature and cool down much faster. These could also work great for camping trips or when you spend an extended amount of time outside. 

10. Watch For Allergy Symptoms 

Spring and late summer are when pet allergies hit the hardest. Stay on the lookout for symptoms such as:

  • Excessive scratching and licking 
  • Sneezing 
  • Gnawing at the paws
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea 

If you believe your pet is struggling with allergies, schedule an appointment with your veterinarian and start them on a supplement like fish oil or a probiotic with prebiotics

Keep Your Pets Happy and Healthy All-Year-Round With Supplements You Can Believe In

At Fera Pet Organics, we believe in the medicine of prevention. We’ve combined the best of Western and Eastern treatments to create pet supplements made with traditional ingredients that ensure your pet gets the holistic support they need to live their healthiest and happiest life. 

Explore our full collection of supplements for dogs and cats or check out more of our blog for veterinarian-approved pet health tips and recipes.