cat in a tree the holidays and pet safety

Everything You Need to Know About Holiday Pet Safety 

Don't let the holiday hazards ruin your pet's Christmas! Discover 6 essential tips for pet safety, from avoiding toxic treats to securing your tree. Keep your furry friends happily celebrating with you and enjoy a holly jolly Christmas together.

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! The holidays are a very special time of year, especially when we get to celebrate the season with our beloved pets.

However, pet parents need to stay vigilant during the holidays. Many yuletide traditions can be hazardous for our precious companions, and it’s our responsibility to know what they are and ensure our pets stay safe during the hustle and bustle of the season.

Here are some of the best holiday pet safety tips to keep in mind as you prepare to welcome the most wonderful time of the year.

6 Holiday Pet Safety Tips For a Holly Jolly Christmas

  1. Avoid Sharing Holiday Treats

One of the sweetest things about the holidays is the abundance of delicious desserts and savory foods we share with loved ones, but not with our four-legged friends.

Many of the season’s culinary staples contain ingredients that are toxic to pets such as:

  • Chocolate
  • Cinnamon
  • Raisins 
  • Xylitol
  • Onions
  • Garlic 
  • Macadamia Nuts

Most pets are also lactose intolerant, so be sure they don’t get into Santa’s milk and cookies on Christmas Eve.

If your pets have been good little boys and girls this year, there are better and healthier ways to reward them than sharing food from your plate. Instead, you could feed them high-quality pet supplements that will help them look and feel their best all season long. 

Fera Pet Organics’ veterinarian-created supplements for dogs and cats are made with only the purest active ingredients that combine the best of Eastern and Western therapies. From healthier skin and coats to a stronger immune system, your little buddy will enjoy a higher quality of life with our all-natural supplements. 

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cat and dog enjoying sitting in front of a fireplace

  1. Be Mindful of Fireplaces and Candles

Roasting chestnuts on an open fire and lighting colorful candles are cornerstones of the holiday season, but if you share your home with pets, you’ll want to be extra cautious. 

The glow of the flames can spark curiosity in some animals, and if they’re not careful, they could get singed and suffer serious burns. Other pets might knock an unattended candle over amid all the excitement, posing a major fire hazard. 

If you plan to get cozy around the fire this season, it’s a good idea to place candles in spots your pets can’t reach or invest in a fireplace shield for your hearth. Also, never leave your pets unsupervised with an active flame. 

  1. Keep an Eye on the Christmas Tree

Christmas trees are dazzling centerpieces during the holidays, especially for a curious pet. If they try to climb the branches or decide to inspect the tree too closely, it could topple over and result in injury to themselves or someone else. 

This is why you’ll want to take extra steps to secure your Christmas tree if there are pets in the house. You could wrap fishing line around the trunk and secure each end to hooks placed on the surrounding walls. Forgoing low-hanging ornaments is also a great place to start. 

You’ll want to keep your pets from drinking out of the Christmas tree stand, too. That water tends to be filled with harmful pesticides and fertilizers that make animals sick. Try covering the base of the tree with aluminum foil to keep your fur baby’s away from the temptation.  

  1. Deck the Halls With Care

Tis’ the season for decking the halls with boughs of holly! There are many beautiful decorations we can use to turn any space into a winter wonderland, but there are some you’ll want to place out of paw’s reach. 

Tinsel, for example, is a shiny and stringy decoration that can be very appealing yet dangerous to pets. If they get carried away and swallow a few pieces, it could obstruct their intestines, leading to a variety of more serious issues such as vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy. Garland is another hazardous holiday decoration that our pets can get tangled in or strangled by. 

Hang any risky decorations in places your pets won’t be able to reach or opt for more fur-friendly options that can’t be swallowed or cause entanglement. 

This also applies to any electrical cords from Christmas lights. To prevent your pets from tripping or chewing on any loose or hanging cords, place them in a high spot or secure them to the wall or floorboards. 

poinsettia flower for Christmas

  1. Avoid Toxic Plants

Live holiday plants can make any space merry and bright. However, not all of them are safe for your fur babies. Here are some of the most popular forms of holiday foliage that are known to be poisonous to pets: 

  • Poinsettias
  • Mistletoe
  • Holly
  • Christmas roses (Helleborus niger)
  • Amaryllis
  • Lillies 

It’s better to use artificial plants to avoid any accidents or decorate with pet-friendly substitutes such as: 

  • Christmas cactus
  • Red roses
  • Achira
  • White Orchids
  • Autumn Olive
  • African Violet 
  1. Accommodate Your Pet During Christmas Parties

As much as we love to include our furry friends in holiday celebrations, certain scenarios might be too overwhelming for some pets. During Christmas parties, a shy or anxious pet could become stressed by all the strangers and unusual sounds. 

Before your guests arrive, set up a private, quiet space for your pets to retreat during the festivities. They’ll be grateful to have a safe spot to escape the commotion when needed. 

Happy Holidays From Our Family to Yours

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We wish you and your pets a wonderful, safe, and warm holiday season. We’re so happy to have you with us. 

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